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We are featured in the IHK Schwaben magazine.

Dr. Lorenz Lucaj, has contributed an important article to the latest issue of the IHK Schwaben magazine, "Bayerisch-Schwäbische Wirtschaft".


We are featured in IHK magazine

We are featured in IHK magazine

05.07.24 - Dr. Lorenz Lucaj, has contributed an important article to the latest issue of the IHK Schwaben magazine, "Bayerisch-Schwäbische Wirtschaft".

Collaborating for a Digital Future: BVDW

Collaborating for a Digital Future: BVDW

20.05.2024 - We are broadening our horizon by partnering up with the German Federal Association of the Digital Economy (BVDW e.V.)!

Challenge 4: Cultural resistance

Challenge 4: Cultural resistance

25.03.24 - Whilst digital transformation requires deep technological thinking and a structured approach towards such, focusing too much on technology can become a dangerous trap. As with most transformational approaches, digital transformation at the end always depends on those who deal with it daily – the employees. Untransparent and un-collaborative procedures can lead to fear and resistance, slowing down the digital shift and making digital transformation more expensive while reducing...

Challenge 3: Lack of expertise

Challenge 3: Lack of expertise

12.03.24 - With digital transformation hitting organizational structures holistically, companies are faced with skill and people related challenges across all hierarchy levels. The issue in general is that the workforce is not able to follow up with technology and finding new staff that can is challenging. This leads to frustration, fluctuation, resistance, and inefficiencies.

Challenge 2: Rapid technological changes

Challenge 2: Rapid technological changes

26.02.24 - We delve into the second major hurdle: the rapid pace of technological change. In today's world, staying abreast of technological advancements is critical. Understanding the ever-evolving tech landscape and seizing the opportunities it offers, as well as strategically adopting and integrating new technologies, are vital steps. The core issue lies in pinpointing the essential elements required for effectively managing and adapting to these swift technological shifts.

Challenge 1: Lack of a clear digital strategy

Challenge 1: Lack of a clear digital strategy

12.02.24 - Digital transformation refers to the integration of digital technology strategically into all areas of the business, fundamentally changing how the company operates internally and externally and how value is being delivered to the customers. It requires a shift in corporate culture, fostering innovation & adoption.

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